Economical aspects

Beside its undoubted high ecological value gravel turf is a cost-effective alternative to other methods of surface consolidation, as e.g. asphalt or interlocking concrete pavers. Gravel turf is characterised by:

According to the mentioned characteristics of gravel turf - built with recycling materials or natural gravel – is an economical, ecological and resource saving method of surface consolidation.

The construction is simple and thus cost efficient. The materials are easy available and inexpensive. Therefore gravel turf is an attractive technology for both, private enterprises and municipalities.

Water management, air quality, interlinking of habitats etc. play an increasingly important role in the design of settlement areas. In parts of Germany a new tax for surface sealing has been introduced; many cities discuss to unseal surfaces. The high degree of sealed surfaces and its steady growth - in conurbations up to 80% and more – is causing problems for humans and the environment. The field of water management is particularly affected. As a consequence of sealed surfaces precipitation seeps away rapidly, straining the seepage system to its borders or even beyond. Private and public property is damaged. The reconstruction of the water system is very cost intensive.

Gravel turf allows laminar infiltration of precipitation. The water is stored in the vegetation base layer, taken up by the plants, evaporated and released with an important delay to the groundwater or on-site preflooder, facilitating the renewal of the groundwater and the existence of micro organisms, plants, etc.